AI an 'extinction-level threat' says study by experts

A report from the US has warned of the existential threat from artificial intelligence. The report painted a worst-case-scenario "extinction-level threat" to humanity. It identified a "growing risk to national security posed by rapidly expanding AI capabilities". The authors said there was a "clear and urgent need" for the government to intervene "quickly and decisively". It continued: "AI has the potential to destabilise global security in ways reminiscent of the introduction of nuclear weapons." It called for the regulation of companies that develop AI tools.

The report was commissioned by the U.S. State Department. It was written by experts who provide technical guidance on AI. The experts spoke at length to AI companies like OpenAI and Google. The experts recommended setting an upper limit on the amount of computing power for an AI model. They also recommended making it illegal to reveal the coding behind AI models. The website stated: "Over half of the AI researchers surveyed say there's a five per cent chance that humans will be driven to extinction, among other 'extremely bad outcomes.'"