Abandoned puppy gets job at baseball club

An unwanted puppy has a new home and job. The 7-week-old puppy was left at a baseball stadium parking lot in Georgia, USA last week. It had no name tag. The team put a message on its website about the dog, but did not find the owner. The team's president adopted the puppy and called her Daisy. She now has a new job as the team's official 'bat dog'. She will take baseball bats to players, collect balls and make the crowd happy.

Mr Orton said Daisy looked tired and lost. She was also hungry and dehydrated. He took her to the vet and she "was in pretty good health". Orton said: "We aren't sure how big she'll get, so it's hard to say if she'll be able to pick up a bat." Daisy will be a regular at the ballpark and will be popular with fans. She will also greet visitors at the team's office. Mr Orton said: "It was just meant to be that we'd have a team dog as part of our staff."