Walking 4,000 steps a day linked to longer life

Many people check how many steps they walk every day. Research says 10,000 is enough for us to live longer. However, a new study says 4,000 steps could be enough. Researchers looked at 17 studies about how far people walked. They concluded that 4,000 steps per day lowered the risk of getting heart disease and other life-threatening conditions. Taking 4,000 steps is the same as a 30-minute walk, or about three to four kilometres.

Researchers looked at exercise data from 225,000 adults worldwide over seven years. The adults had an average age of 64. The lead researcher said 4,000 was not a "magic number". He added that the more steps you take, the better. Walking an additional 1,000 steps per day could cut the risk of an early death by 15 per cent. The researcher said people should add at least one walk to their daily routine.