Grapes are good for our eyesight

Carrots are good for our eyes. A new study from the National University of Singapore says grapes are also good. It says eating a few grapes a day can help our vision. A researcher said: "Grape consumption beneficially impacts eye health in humans." She said this was good as more people are getting older. She added that we can easily buy grapes. This research is good news for people who don't like carrots.

Thirty-four adults took part in the testing. Half of them ate grapes every day; the other half ate a placebo snack. None of them knew if the tests were on the grapes or the snack. This gave better test results. The people who ate the grapes had better muscle strength around the retina. The retina sends information about light to the brain. It protects the eyes from blue light, which damages the eye. A lot of blue light comes from computer screens.