Scientists make biocomputer with brain tissue

Humans and machines are closer to merging. Researchers have built a "biocomputer". They combined lab-grown brain tissue with electrodes. They called their creation Brainoware. It is in its early stages, but can already do complex tasks like voice recognition. The software could improve AI technology. AI hardware will also require less energy than silicon chips. A researcher said: "This is just proof-of-concept to show that we can do the job."

Brainoware utilizes "organoids" – artificially grown bundles of tissue that act like an organ. Brainoware organoids have developed neurons, like those in our brain. The next step is to look at how Brainoware can perform higher-level tasks. The technology could help neuroscience research. It could also lead to cures for neurological diseases. A major challenge is to find answers to keep the living tissue alive for longer.