Word Pairs


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Overtourism is causing headaches for authorities and consternation for [locally / local] residents worldwide. Japan is one country that is [bottling / battling] surging numbers of international tourists. The [weaker / weaken] yen has meant people are [flocking / flicking] to see Japan's numerous World Heritage sites and sample its world-famous [cosine / cuisine] . A town near Mount Fuji has devised a drastic measure [for / to] combat the problem of overtourism. Fujikawaguchiko, which is at the [toe / foot] of Fuji, has become inundated with [sightseers / soothsayers] who want selfies of themselves in front of a brightly coloured convenience store, with Fuji-san [has / as] the backdrop. Local authorities have decided to erect a giant mesh fence to obscure the view [of / on] Japan's iconic mountain.

A local official told journalists that the [increasing / increases] number of tourists was creating problems for [residence / residents] . These include trash being left in the streets, traffic being blocked, and security guards being employed to [marshal / martial] selfie takers. The official said of the fence: "It is regrettable that we had to take [such / so] measures." She added that it was because of "some tourists [who / whom] cannot respect rules". The fence will be 20 metres long and 2.5 metres high. Other places in Japan are also battling [whole / large] numbers of overseas visitors. Locals in [an / the] ancient city of Kyoto cannot [board / bard] increasingly overcrowded buses. Areas of Kyoto have been [closeted / closed] to tourists to prevent people harassing geisha, in a problem [dubbed / daubed] as "geisha paparazzi".

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