Belgium to allow euthanasia for children

Belgian lawmakers have passed a bill to allow euthanasia for terminally ill children. There were 86 votes for the bill, 44 against, and 12 abstentions. It is the first nation to pass such a law. The controversial law is only for children in great pain. There are several conditions to meet before an act of euthanasia can take place. The child must be in full possession of their mental skills, and request the act. An adult must consent, and a medical team must submit a psychological report. There must also be no treatment available that would lessen the child's suffering and distress.

The law has created many opponents. They call it immoral and say children are not mature enough to make such decisions. A man at the vote screamed "murderers" at the lawmakers. The Christian Science Monitor argues that: "In the 21st century, when parents…worry that children are growing up too quickly, Belgium [will] hand kids one more responsibility." It added: "Allowing children, who aren't even old enough to drive or vote, to decide when it's time to die is one step too far." Last week, 160 doctors said the law wasn't needed as modern medicine could reduce pain.