Coca Cola changes recipe after online petition

An online petition made the Coca-Cola Company change its recipe for several drinks. The world's largest drinks maker will remove a substance called brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from drinks like Powerade. BVO is a food additive. It contains the chemical bromide, which is used in products to prevent fires. A Coca-Cola spokesman said: "All of our beverages, including those with BVO, are safeā€¦ .The safety and quality of our products is our highest priority."

The U.S. government removed BVO from its "generally recognised as safe" list in 1970. A few months ago, an American teenager started a petition to get BVO removed from drinks. She asked why it was put in health drinks. Over 200,000 people signed the petition. The teen said: "It's really good to know that companiesā€¦ are listening to consumers." She added she was glad that drinks around the world would "be a little bit healthier without BVO".