Hospital chains toys to beds to stop thieves

Fourteen hospitals in Wales are chaining children's toys to beds to prevent thieves from stealing them. One is using bicycle locks to stop its toys from being stolen. Dean Beddis, father of a patient in the children's ward, said he was appalled that anyone would steal toys from a hospital. He said the toys were there for children who are seriously ill. He said it was terrible that people were stealing toys that the hospital provided. He added: "I was talking to the nurses about how disgusting it was that they had to do that because they were saying that people had been stealing them."

A hospital spokesman said toys and games were occasionally taken from hospitals. He said: "We do encourage staff to secure and lock away the more popular and more expensive items." He advised all visitors and staff to be careful and watch over their valuables. He added: "Our hospitals have CCTV coverage and security on site at all times." Toys are not the only things being stolen. The television in the waiting room of the children's ward has also gone. Mr Beddis said it was, "a sad reflection on society. I cannot believe this is happening in Britain".