Trump employee apologises for plagiarising Michelle Obama speech

An employee of Donald Trump admitted plagiarism in helping to write a speech for Melania Trump. Mrs Trump was speaking at a convention to support her husband Donald. He is the Republican nominee in the race to be the next President of the USA. Mrs Trump made a speech about how great she thought her husband was. Many journalists recognised several lines from the speech. They were the same as lines in a speech given by Michelle Obama about her husband Barack. Newspapers have been full of stories about how Mrs Trump could make a speech that was plagiarised.

Plagiarism is copying the work of other people without saying you are copying it. Students are taught that copying is stealing. Students who copy usually get an F-grade for their work. Schools often expel students for plagiarism. A university examination expert said: "Melania's speech offers us a [clear] example of plagiarism in action, from the highest levels of American politics." A writing expert said people will not trust or believe Melania Trump from now. Donald Trump said the speech was "good news" because it, "got more publicity than any [speech] in the history of politics".