Disgusting Food Museum opens in Sweden

A new museum might make you not want to eat your dinner. It is the Disgusting Food Museum in Sweden. It will get people to think about why they love or hate food. They might also think about other food sources. The museum's founder was researching the effect meat had on the environment. He then thought about different sources of protein, like insects. He opened the museum to get people to think about eating bugs or other things.

The museum will test our senses of smell, touch, sight and taste. People think some food from around the world is "disgusting," but people in other parts of the world think it is nice. The museum includes food like fried tarantula and sheep eyeball juice. The founder said our culture teaches us to think some food is not tasty. He said: "What we find disgusting has to be learned – it's purely cultural." He is also worried the museum might smell.