Deepfake app puts your face in famous movie scenes

An online technique called deepfake is worrying people. There could be more fake news and things that can trick people. The word "deepfake" is a combination of "deep learning" and "fake" (which means not real). The software means you can put your face over the face of a talking president or movie star. This process will make you speak in the voice of that president or movie star. The result is a fake video. Many people are worried the technology will be used during national elections. Deepfake videos could be used to trick people in elections.

A new deepfake app called Zao has gone viral in China. It went to number one on China's iOS App Store chart in just a few days. The app lets users put their face over the top of actors in scenes from movies or TV shows in just eight seconds. A Twitter user posted many Zao videos of himself in famous TV and movie scenes. He really looks like the main actor in the movies The Hulk, Titanic, and in the TV fantasy drama Game of Thrones. The Zao app is only available for people with a Chinese phone number. It cannot be downloaded from app stores in the USA or Europe.