Car-licking moose a problem on Canada's roads

Road signs around the world amuse and bemuse motorists. The latest to raise smiles are in Canada. Authorities in the town of Jasper have put up signs to warn drivers not to let moose lick their cars. Moose are the largest members of the deer family. They are a frequent sight on Canada's roads. It is common to see moose licking salt on the roads. However, an addiction to salt has led them to lick it off cars.

A spokesperson warned that the moose's addiction could be fatal. He said the behaviour is now very common and the moose have an "obsession" with salt. A citizen said the salt is a drug for the moose. The salt habit poses additional dangers for the moose. Cars are usually covered with a whole host of harmful chemicals. In addition, moose can easily catch pneumonia. Licking car surfaces could increase the risk of catching this.