Healthcare clowns help patients laugh and recover

An adage says, "laughter is the best medicine". Humour is needed more than ever today. Medical staff around the world are using humour in their work. Healthcare clowns are now common in hospitals. An organisation started in 2011 that sets standards. It says: "Healthcare clowns bring moments of happiness…to children who are ill or who have special needs.…Clowns also bring smiles to vulnerable adults, including seniors and people with dementia."

Israel is a world leader in the field. It opened the world's first university to offer a Bachelor's degree in medical clowning in 2007. An Israeli healthcare clown wanted to use her inner clown to help patients with COVID-19. She knew it would provide therapy for her patients. It reduces their stress and improves their wellbeing. She said: "Obviously, the doctors, they take care of the body. And we come in and take care of the soul. And it integrates together."