Bad dream stops climber's record Everest climb

A man from Nepal did not climb Mount Everest because he had a bad dream. Kami Rita, 51, holds the record for climbing Mount Everest. He has climbed it 25 times. He was making his 26th climb, but he said: "The weather turned bad and I had a really bad dream. The gods were telling me not to go, and because I really believe in God, I decided to return." Mr Rita did not say anything about what was in his dream.

Kami Rita is a hero in Nepal. His nickname is Snow Leopard. He first climbed Everest in 1994. He has climbed it nearly every year since then. He will try again in 2022. He said: "I felt the Goddess did not want me to go up again this year.…I will go back again next year to complete my dream." People in Nepal believe Everest is a goddess. They take part in a religious ceremony before they climb it. This shows they respect the mountain.