Scientists make skin look 30 years younger

People spend billions of dollars trying to look younger. Companies make thousands of creams and pills for our skin. Scientists tried for decades to slow down the ageing process. Now, they have made a breakthrough. They have found a method to "time jump" skin cells. The scientists say they can turn back the ageing clock in cells by 30 years. Their work is still at an early stage, but it could help people look younger in the future.

The new technique could change medicine. A researcher said: "We've only tested this technique in skin cells. We're excited to see if we can [use it] across other cell types." It could be used to treat skin problems, such as burns and acne. It could also heal cuts more quickly. Another researcher said: "If you cut yourself, it'll take quicker to heal the wound." The scientists' work might help to reverse the ageing process and make us look younger.