Drinking water often helps us to live longer

We know that water is the source of life. No plant, animal or human can survive without it. A new study says it is important for our health and to live longer. Researchers from the USA say people who drink a lot of water every day are healthier and live longer than those who do not. They said people who stay well hydrated develop fewer serious health problems and old-age illnesses, like heart and lung disease. They added that adults who do not drink enough water are more likely to die younger. These adults are also more likely to get old quicker.

Researchers looked at data from 11,000 hospital patients over a 30-year period. The patients had visited a hospital at least five times – three times when they were in their 50s, and twice when they were aged between 70 and 90. The lead researcher said: "The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down ageing and prolong a disease-free life." She said people should drink more fluids, like water and juice, and fruit and vegetables with lots of water in them. She added that half of people worldwide do not drink enough. The average adult needs at least 1.5 litres of water every day.