Your soap might mean mosquitoes bite you more

Mosquitoes like some people more than others. Mosquitoes like different body smells and smells from soaps. Some soap smells could cut the number of mosquito bites we get. Researchers said mosquitoes like soap with a flowery smell. Most of the smells coming from our body are from soap. Changing our soap could stop mosquitoes biting us. Soap with no smell could make us less tasty to mosquitoes.

The researchers tested four brands of soap on mosquitoes. They put soapy smells and the smell of unwashed bodies in two different cups. They put the cups in a cage full of mosquitoes. The insects are like humans because they like flowery smells best. One researcher said coconut soap is best to keep mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes are the world's deadliest creatures. The diseases they carry kill 725,000 people a year.