UK elects 22-year-old as a Member of Parliament

A 22-year-old has been elected as a politician in the UK. Sam Carling won his seat in Thursday's general election. Mr Carling, from the Labour Party, narrowly beat his Conservative Party rival by 39 votes. He will now represent the interests of the people in his Cambridge seat. Carling graduated from Cambridge University. He called his victory a "political earthquake". He hopes more young people will enter politics.

Mr Carling became interested in politics because of Britain's economic decline. He grew up in "a deprived area" in the north of England. The Conservative Party promised to turn it into an economic "powerhouse". However, it did not keep its promise. Carling is worried about areas that used to be "thriving," but are now wastelands. He hopes he can help undo 14 years of Conservative misrule. Britain's public services are in chaos.