People need $100,000 salary to stop money worries

Can money buy happiness? U.S. financial planning experts conducted a survey on money. They found that six in ten people needed over $100,000 a year to stop worrying about money. Around 50 per cent of the people said they needed an annual salary of $200,000 to feel happy. The experts' report stated that 12 per cent of Americans think they are wealthy. It also reported that a third of millionaires said they felt financially secure.

More than 3,000 adults answered questions about money worries. Half of the people thought they were "rich". They had between $500,000 and $3 million. The experts said: "Many Americans, even those who are affluent, aren't feeling very confident about their financial situation." They added that a $100,000 salary today simply means a stable lifestyle. It no longer means financial success or happiness.