Archive: November 2005
- 2005-11-30: Paul McCartney's Beijing Olympics boycott - easier | harder
- 2005-11-29: Romantic love lasts only a year - easier | harder
- 2005-11-28: Water supply returns to Chinese city - easier | harder
- 2005-11-27: Indian breaks hot-air balloon record - easier | harder
- 2005-11-26: Swim with dolphins to reduce stress - easier | harder
- 2005-11-25: Vodafone ends $60m Man Utd shirt deal - easier | harder
- 2005-11-24: No Lesson
- 2005-11-23: Working mothers pass on stress to kids - easier | harder
- 2005-11-22: No Lesson
- 2005-11-21: No Lesson
- 2005-11-20: Shocking state of world’s toilets - easier | harder
- 2005-11-19: Climate change threatens fish populations - easier | harder
- 2005-11-18: Outsourcing on the increase - easier | harder
- 2005-11-17: Sparrow shot in domino-record challenge - easier | harder
- 2005-11-16: International conference on Islam opens - easier | harder
- 2005-11-15: Keep warm to avoid colds: scientists - easier | harder
- 2005-11-14: Paul McCartney’s Space Station concert - easier | harder
- 2005-11-13: 18-year-old elected as US mayor - easier | harder
- 2005-11-12: Africa gets first elected female president - easier | harder
- 2005-11-11: Lamborghini to enter Chinese market - easier | harder
- 2005-11-10: Kyoto Protocol heated bra developed - easier | harder
- 2005-11-09: No Lesson
- 2005-11-08: Myanmar moves its capital city - easier | harder
- 2005-11-07: Tobacco company tests "safe cigarette" - easier | harder
- 2005-11-06: No lesson due to server upgrade.
- 2005-11-05: No lesson due to server upgrade.
- 2005-11-04: Samsung Electronics aims to double sales - easier | harder
- 2005-11-03: Iran to replace 40 ambassadors - easier | harder
- 2005-11-02: No Lesson
- 2005-11-01: No hip-hop fashion for basketball players - easier | harder
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