The state behind by for in of on out to under with Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas started a 72-hour ceasefire behind by for in of on out to under with Friday morning. The halt behind by for in of on out to under with hostilities was engineered behind by for in of on out to under with America's Secretary behind by for in of on out to under with State John Kerry and the U.N. Secretary-General Ban-ki Moon. The humanitarian truce will give Palestinians time to restock behind by for in of on out to under with basic supplies such as food and medicines. They also need to repair power stations which have been put behind by for in of on out to under with of action during the fighting behind by for in of on out to under with the past three weeks. Israelis and Palestinians are also to meet behind by for in of on out to under with Cairo, Egypt to talk about the possibility of a permanent truce between the two sides. They will talk about resolving the underlying differences that have caused unrest behind by for in of on out to under with decades. Hamas said it would abide behind by for in of on out to under with the pause in fighting. Its spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said: "Acknowledging a call behind by for in of on out to under with the United Nations and behind by for in of on out to under with consideration of the situation of our people, resistance factions agreed behind by for in of on out to under with a 72-hour humanitarian and mutual calm…as long as the other side abides behind by for in of on out to under with it." He added: "All the Palestinian factions are united behind by for in of on out to under with the issue." The day before the ceasefire was announced, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country would continue to destroy the tunnels that have been dug behind by for in of on out to under with the Gaza-Israel border. John Kerry called the ceasefire "precious time." He said: "It is a moment behind by for in of on out to under with the different factions to be able to come together behind by for in of on out to under with the state behind by for in of on out to under with Israel."