For against around at from in of over to the past 100 years, people believed middle age to be For against around at from in of over to 50 years old. This is when we start to grow 'old'. However, new research says we have to change this. A study For against around at from in of over to the International Institute For against around at from in of over to Applied Systems Analysis (IIAS) in Austria and Stony Brook University For against around at from in of over to New York says middle age now starts For against around at from in of over to 60 or even 65, or older. Why? The biggest reason is that we are living longer. We are also healthier, we have better diets, we exercise more and we have more money to live a nicer lifestyle. The IIAS said: "Since life expectancies have increased For against around at from in of over to the past several decades, and are continuing to increase, people once considered 'old' should actually be viewed as more middle aged." The study was not a worldwide one so perhaps not everyone For against around at from in of over to all countries can say they are middle aged when they are 65. The researchers looked For against around at from in of over to populations For against around at from in of over to 39 European countries, so this is good news For against around at from in of over to Europeans. Britain's National Health Service warned For against around at from in of over to looking For against around at from in of over to this study and believing it to be 100 per cent true. It said the researchers did not look For against around at from in of over to things which could reduce life expectancy: "We don't know whether, For against around at from in of over to example, they factored For against around at from in of over to the possible impact For against around at from in of over to being unable to treat infections because of rising antibiotic resistance, or the increased numbers For against around at from in of over to people with diabetes due For against around at from in of over to obesity." It recommended healthy living, eating and exercise as a way to live longer.