It is no that girls spend more time doing household chores than boys. Girls spend 40 per cent more time, which is an 160 million more hours of per day. In some countries, this figure is a lot . A report from the United Nations children's UNICEF highlights this gap. UNICEF stated. "Girls sacrifice important to learn, grow and just enjoy their ." It added: "This unequal distribution of among children also perpetuates gender stereotypes and the double on women and girls across generations."
Most work done by girls is demanding. Two-thirds of girls cook and clean in the home, while collect firewood or water. They also care for children and relatives. In Somalia, girls between 10 and 14 spend 26 hours a week on household chores. The coincides with the UN's International Day of the Girl Child, which is on October 11. UNICEF said: "Quantifying the girls face is the first step towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goal on equality and breaking down that confront the world's 1.1 girls."