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say be have decline die decrease call be go trigger
say be mean feed depend have drop warn wait be
Scientists that global warming isn't the only serious threat to humans. Another major threat the falling numbers of insects and the extinction of many species. Scientists say that half of all insects worldwide been since the 1970s. A new warning is that over 40 per cent of insect species could out in our lifetime. Researchers said the number of insects is by 2.5 per cent every year. The scientists are it an "insect apocalypse". Many species of butterflies, bees and other bugs now extinct. In the U.K. researchers say 23 bee and wasp species have extinct in the past century. Scientists say the apocalypse could , "a catastrophic collapse of Earth's ecosystems".

Lead researcher Professor Dave Goulson a lot of insects are killed by pesticides used for farming and gardening. He said fewer numbers of insects might we cannot people. He told reporters: "Three quarters of our crops on insect pollinators. Crops will begin to fail. We won't things like strawberries. We can't feed 7.5 billion people without insects." He said one of the most worrying trends is the decline of honeybees. In the USA, the number of honeybee colonies from six million in 1947 to just 2.5 million in 2014. Professor Goulson people that: "We can't another 25 years before we do anything because it will too late."

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