It once rained for two million years, say scientists
Try Rain - Level 5 | Rain - Level 6
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Farmers pray for the heavens to open in times of drought. However, they could never imagine a period of rain lasting two million years. A U.K. geologist has found that 200-300 million years ago, when there was just a single landmass, it rained non-stop for up to two million years. This helped the development of flowers and animals all over the globe. The geologist believes the rain may have been caused by a huge rise in humidity following massive volcanic eruptions.
The geologist based his findings on research conducted on ancient rock in Europe in the 1970s. There were strange deposits in the rock. The geologist said this suggests the long wet period may have been the "trigger" that allowed dinosaurs and modern animals to diversify. He added: "It may have been one of the most important events in the history of life." It could be how many of the creatures we see today started, like turtles, crocodiles, lizards and mammals.
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