Word Pairs


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The words
Cycling is a great way to [keep / give] fit and healthy. It strengthens our heart, keeps our [weight / weigh] down, and is good for mental health. A little-known and (perhaps) surprising benefit [of / on] getting on a bike is that it is [good / well] for our knees. A new study says cyclists are less [likeable / likely] to experience knee pain later in life than people who do not ride bicycles. The study was conducted [by / of] a research team from Baylor College of Medicine in the USA. Researchers [surveilled / surveyed] 2,600 men and women, with an average age of 64. The survey [participants / parts] were asked about their levels [of / off] physical activity. They also had X-rays of their knees taken. This was to look for signs and levels of arthritis in their knee [joins / joints] .

The [lead / steel] researcher, Dr Grace Lo, said the results of the research were [surprised / surprising] . She said cyclists were 21 per cent less [liking / likely] to have signs of osteoarthritis compared to [those / them] who did not have a history of [cycling / cycle] . She added: "I was surprised to see how very strong the benefit of cycling was." A lot of research shows that cyclists are around 20 per cent less likely [for / to] die prematurely. Dr Lo said cycling, "is a great preventative strategy for many [things / thing] , including arthritis". Osteoarthritis is often [calling / called] "wear-and-tear" arthritis. It's what happens when we use the cartilage in our joints a [lots / lot] . The cartilage wears down and becomes painful. Arthritis most commonly [effects / affects] the over-50s.

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