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toddler from Ghana has officially been recognized as world's youngest artist. Guinness World Records acknowledged Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah when he was just one year and 152 days old. little boy began painting at age of six months, when his precocious talent became evident. His mother Chantelle, also artist, said it was obvious her son had artistic talent from that young age. She explained how he started painting. Chantelle had been commissioned to create work for Miss Universe 2023. While she was working, she gave Ace-Liam canvas and some paint. She said he clearly had affinity for colour as he crawled over canvas. Chantelle named his first piece " Crawl".

Ace-Liam is attracting attention across art world. His work was exhibited at Ghana's Museum of Science in January. Nine of 10 pieces on show at that exhibition sold. Art lovers have purchased further six of his paintings this year. Even Ghana's first lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo commissioned work from toddler. Chantelle said her son is creating stir with his artistic flair. She said: "He has created buzz and heightened conversation about art appreciation." She said: "His abstract paintings are inspired by world around him - colours, shapes, textures and his mood." Guinness said: "There is no doubt that Ace-Liam has exciting career ahead of him, and we can't wait to see what comes next."

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