Sentence Dictation Answers - UK leader wants national service for 18-year-olds

Answer to Dictation 1

The UK leader has a plan to introduce national service for 18 year olds.

Go to Dictation 2

Answer to Dictation 2

He will introduce compulsory national service if his party wins the election.

Go to Dictation 3

Answer to Dictation 3

Young people will have two choices when they become 18.

Go to Dictation 4

Answer to Dictation 4

The first choice is to spend one year in the army navy or air force.

Go to Dictation 5

Answer to Dictation 5

Gain valuable skills and help to build a stronger national culture.

Go to Dictation 6

Answer to Dictation 6

The UK does not have enough staff to train 30,000 army volunteers.

Go to Dictation 7

Answer to Dictation 7

Many defence experts say the idea is unworkable.

Go to Dictation 8

Answer to Dictation 8

I'm delighted if more young people become aware of defence.

Go to Dictation 9

Answer to Dictation 9

He believes the government needs to spend more money on defence.

Go to Dictation 10

Answer to Dictation 10

She said national service works well in dozens of countries.

See the national service lesson for the whole text.

Go to the BIG dictation