Sentence Dictation Answers - Australia to allow foreign citizens into its army

Answer to Dictation 1

Australia will soon allow non-Australians into its army.

Go to Dictation 2

Answer to Dictation 2

Australia is having problems getting people to sign up for its army.

Go to Dictation 3

Answer to Dictation 3

The ADF currently has a shortage of around 4,400 workers.

Go to Dictation 4

Answer to Dictation 4

New Zealanders who are permanent residents in Australia can apply to join.

Go to Dictation 5

Answer to Dictation 5

It was possible that in the future people from more countries could join.

Go to Dictation 6

Answer to Dictation 6

His country was changing its recruitment policy for security reasons.

Go to Dictation 7

Answer to Dictation 7

Meet the nation's security challenges through the next decade.

Go to Dictation 8

Answer to Dictation 8

We're being bold in order to grow the ADF.

Go to Dictation 9

Answer to Dictation 9

A wider pool of people will help ensure the ADF reflects the full diversity.

Go to Dictation 10

Answer to Dictation 10

We should be seeing more Australians with the confidence to sign up.

See the army recruits lesson for the whole text.

Go to the BIG dictation