Sentence Dictation Answers - Electric spoon helps people cut down on salt

Answer to Dictation 1

A battery-powered spoon that makes food taste saltier is now in stores in Japan.

Go to Dictation 2

Answer to Dictation 2

Their spoon will help people cut down on the amount of salt they eat.

Go to Dictation 3

Answer to Dictation 3

We can eat food with less salt but still sense a salty taste.

Go to Dictation 4

Answer to Dictation 4

People need to reduce the amount of salt in their food.

Go to Dictation 5

Answer to Dictation 5

She added that food with no salt is bland and tasteless.

Go to Dictation 6

Answer to Dictation 6

However too much of it can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Go to Dictation 7

Answer to Dictation 7

These are the leading causes of death globally.

Go to Dictation 8

Answer to Dictation 8

The WHO recommends a daily salt intake of less than 5 grams.

Go to Dictation 9

Answer to Dictation 9

Around 75 per cent of salt in the diet comes from processed foods.

Go to Dictation 10

Answer to Dictation 10

The spoon's developer has also created electric chopsticks.

See the Electric Salt Spoon lesson for the whole text.

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