Word Pairs


  • Type the correct word in the boxes from the pairs of words [in brackets].
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The words
Thousands of people in Spain are [protested / protesting] against mass tourism. In Barcelona, residents have [sprayed / spayed] tourists in restaurants with [watery / water] guns. On the island of Mallorca, 10,000 people [took / gave] to the streets holding banners that read: "Enough is enough!" and "Mallorca is not for [sell / sale] ." People in Mallorca are angry that their rents are increasing. It is becoming almost impossible [for / to] locals to buy a house because of tourism. [Property / Properly] prices are sky-high because companies are buying them to [lend / rent] to tourists. A spokesperson for Airbnb said: "The people who work in the tourism industry can't [afford / effort] the rent in their own city." She added: "We believe that basing the economy…on…tourism is unsustainable and has to [charge / change] ."

Residents in tourist areas have many [complaints / complains] . They say tourism has a negative [effect / affect] on their lives. Many can no longer [find / fund] somewhere to live. Some have to move out of their homes because landlords are [decreasing / increasing] rents. Daily life is also becoming a problem. Buses and trains are [fill / full] of tourists with backpacks and suitcases. Towns are having problems keeping their [streets / street] clean. This is because of increasing [letter / litter] . Local people also complain that they cannot eat [at / on] their favourite restaurants because of tourists. Spain is not the [just / only] country where tourism is becoming a problem. Japan, Austria and Mexico have acted to find a [balance / balancing] between helping local people and sustainable tourism.

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