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Increasing numbers of people worldwide are for cosmetic surgery to their looks. What prospective patients may not is that procedures to change the colour of one's eyes are the riskiest. Research by the online eyewear store Overnight Glasses that eye colour surgery comes with a 92 per cent likelihood of complications. Eye colour change the researchers' list of riskiest cosmetic procedures. Such operations iris implants and laser pigment removal. There also a procedure called keratopigmentation. This a permanent eye colour change in which a special colourant is into the eyes using precision laser technology.

Earlier this year, the American Academy of Ophthalmology a warning against eye colour change procedures. Dr Ashley Brissette things that could wrong. These include dye leakage, allergic reactions, infections, sensitivity to light, damage to the cornea that can to cloudiness or vision loss, and ultimately blindness. She said: "Anything that we with the eyes, we have to very, very cautious." The researchers said recovery time can up to two months, and the average cost of surgery is $12,000. Ophthalmologist Nicole Bajic getting coloured contact lenses instead of going under the knife. She said this, "can you the look you want without your eye health at risk".

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