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This year's Nobel Peace Prize has been [awarded / rewarded] to Nihon Hidankyo - a grassroots group [establishment / established] in 1956 by survivors of the atomic bombings [of / off] the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The group has spent decades [lobbing / lobbying] governments worldwide [for / of] the abolition of nuclear weapons. The Nobel committee said Nihon Hidankyo won the award, "[for / as] its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons". Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only places [on / in] Earth where such weapons have been used [on / of] civilian populations. Wikipedia says: "The [effects / affects] of the atomic bombings killed 90,000 to 166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 people in Nagasaki; [rough / roughly] half occurred on the first day."

The news agency Reuters [prised / praised] the ongoing legacy of Nihon Hidankyo. It wrote: "For decades - thanks [on / in] large part to the work of Nihon Hidankyo - the destruction unleashed on the two Japanese cities was [width / widely] seen as a lesson from history [that / what] using nuclear weapons again was too appalling [for / to] contemplate." However, rising tensions in the world today mean we are closer [to / on] the brink of nuclear war than [ever / never] before. Russia has warned that the USA's support of Ukraine increases the risks [at / of] nuclear conflict. There are [frightens / fears] that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, North Korea has declared it is [accelerated / accelerating] efforts to become "a military superpower and a nuclear power".

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