Speed Reading — Slave Trade - Level 4 — 300 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 400 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

The king of the UK will face a $260 billion bill for compensation for Britain's role in the slave trade. The king will attend a Commonwealth leaders' summit. The annual meeting brings together 56 former colonies of the British Empire. Fifteen nations will ask for slave trade reparations at the summit. Barbados said the UK should pay the price for its past. A UN judge said the price for damage done by Britain during the slave trade was $25 trillion.

The UK foreign secretary spoke about how his ancestors heard "twisted lies of imperialism as they were…turned into slaves". In 2018, he tweeted: "As Caribbean people…we want reparations." Conversely, a UK politician suggested Commonwealth countries should pay the UK for its role in abolishing slavery. He tweeted: "They ought to pay us for ending slavery…We were motivated by Christian charity."

Back to the slave trade reparations lesson.

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