Answer to Dictation 1
Things are heating up for the USA's National Aeronautical Space Administration.
Go to Dictation 2
Answer to Dictation 2
NASA sent a small research probe to photograph our nearest star.
Go to Dictation 3
Answer to Dictation 3
Going closer to the Sun than any spacecraft has ever gone before.
Go to Dictation 4
Answer to Dictation 4
Parker flew to within 6.1 million kilometers of the Sun which is very close.
Go to Dictation 5
Answer to Dictation 5
Travel the 10,846 km from New York to Tokyo in just 1.025 minutes.
Go to Dictation 6
Answer to Dictation 6
He spent most of his life studying the Sun and its solar flares.
Go to Dictation 7
Answer to Dictation 7
The flares shoot off from the Sun's surface and are hotter than the surface.
Go to Dictation 8
Answer to Dictation 8
Scientists also hope to find out how solar winds originate.
Go to Dictation 9
Answer to Dictation 9
The temperature of the corona's flares can reach 1.1 million degrees Celsius.
Go to Dictation 10
Answer to Dictation 10
Temperatures reached a scorching 980 degrees Celsius.
See the Parker Solar Probe lesson for the whole text.
Go to the BIG dictation