Word Pairs


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The words
There is [good / best] news for people who want to work in New Zealand. The country has [relaxing / relaxed] its visa rules. It wants to attract "digital nomads" to live and work [in / at] the country for up to nine months. A digital nomad is [someone / no one] who can travel and live anywhere because they work [offline / online] . New Zealand has a new visa that [allows / allow] visitors to work remotely for a foreign [employer / employee] for three months. This can be extended for up to nine months. However, someone staying for nine months may have to [spend / pay] tax. Economic growth minister Nicola Willis hopes the new visa will help New Zealand's [economic / economy] . She said: "We want more wealthy and super-talented people coming through the arrival [fences / gates] ."

New Zealand's economy has suffered in [recently / recent] years. The Covid pandemic hurt the country's tourism industry. It has not yet [recovered / recovery] to pre-Covid levels. Another thing [that / what] is affecting the economy is the number of [young / youth] people leaving New Zealand. Record numbers of people in their twenties are [going / gone] overseas to work. Immigration Minister Erica Stanford [hoping / hoped] the visitors with the new visa will spend [more / many] money. This will boost the economy. She said: "I [expect / except] in their time here, visitors will spend longer than they normally [will / would] . They will spend more because they're here for longer. And the thing that we're really hoping for, is that they fall [on / in] love with the place."

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