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A packrafter had a [luckily / lucky] escape earlier this week after ending up in the jaws of a whale. Adrian Simancas, 23, was paddling through the icy waters of Patagonia, Chile, when an [enormous / gigantic] humpback whale emerged from the [depth / deep] and engulfed him and his [inflatable / inflation] raft in its mouth. Luckily for Mr Simancas, the esophagus of a humpback can only stretch to a [diameter / diametrical] of 40 cm, and is ordinarily the width of a human [tryst / fist] . No [sooner / later] had Simancas been gulped up by the humpback than he was [splat / spat] out into the choppy Southern Ocean. Simancas' father captured the whole horrifying incident on video. He said: "Suddenly, I saw Adrian [submerge / emerge] from the waves, along with what looked like a [frenetic / gigantic] animal."

Mr Simancas recounted his terrifying ordeal [to / at] journalists back on [dry / dried] land. He said: "I felt something hit me from [hinder / behind] . All this happened in a second. Something dark blue or white enveloped me, and a slimy texture [blushed / brushed] my face." He continued: "I started to sink, and I just closed [its / my] eyes, expecting an impact… I was surrounded [of / by] water. I realized that I was in something's mouth and I had been [eaten / eating] ." He added: "I felt like I was in a whirlpool… spinning [around / abound] ." The Guardian newspaper reported: "For a [few / less] fleeting moments, Adrian's fate was in the jaws of the 40-ton mammal." Adrian said his close encounter would not deter him [in / from] future rafting outings.

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