Answer to Dictation 1
Our planet contains mysteries that are yet to be unravelled.
Go to Dictation 2
Answer to Dictation 2
Many of them focus on how the Earth formed, and what is at the centre.
Go to Dictation 3
Answer to Dictation 3
Clues as to what shaped Earth at the beginnings of our solar system.
Go to Dictation 4
Answer to Dictation 4
Vast amounts of a rare primordial form of the gas helium may be trapped inside.
Go to Dictation 5
Answer to Dictation 5
The gas has remained locked inside Earth's mantle for billions of years.
Go to Dictation 6
Answer to Dictation 6
The research paper has created considerable excitement among planetary geologists.
Go to Dictation 7
Answer to Dictation 7
Earth was created much more quickly than previously thought.
Go to Dictation 8
Answer to Dictation 8
A geophysicist shed light on the possible speed of Earth's creation.
Go to Dictation 9
Answer to Dictation 9
There is evidence that has been interpreted to say the Earth formed very slowly.
Go to Dictation 10
Answer to Dictation 10
You wouldn't get much helium deep in the Earth if the Earth formed that slowly.
See the primordial helium lesson for the whole text.
Go to the BIG dictation