Archive: August 2005
- 2005-08-31: No Lesson
- 2005-08-30: Landmine elephant gets new foot - easier | harder
- 2005-08-29: New study says coffee is good for you - easier | harder
- 2005-08-28: BBC to put programs online - easier | harder
- 2005-08-27: No Lesson
- 2005-08-26: China-EU textile talks continue - easier | harder
- 2005-08-25: No Lesson
- 2005-08-24: Portugal wildfires out of control - easier | harder
- 2005-08-23: Bird flu spreading to Europe - easier | harder
- 2005-08-22: 1 million greet Pope in Germany - easier | harder
- 2005-08-21: Drug giant Merck loses negligence case - easier | harder
- 2005-08-20: Graffiti and litter linked to obesity - easier | harder
- 2005-08-19: Long hours hazardous to health - easier | harder
- 2005-08-18: Russian breaks time-in-space record - easier | harder
- 2005-08-17: Internet trade threatens exotic animals - easier | harder
- 2005-08-16: No Lesson
- 2005-08-15: Japan speed-eater triumphs again - easier | harder
- 2005-08-14: Google delays book scanning - easier | harder
- 2005-08-13: British Airways strike almost over - easier | harder
- 2005-08-12: Smog sparks emergency in Malaysia - easier | harder
- 2005-08-11: No Lesson
- 2005-08-10: Record bank robbery in Brazil - easier | harder
- 2005-08-09: Iran resumes nuclear work - easier | harder
- 2005-08-08: Celebrity boosts breast cancer action - easier | harder
- 2005-08-07: Bob Dylan song “changed the world” - easier | harder
- 2005-08-06: No Lesson
- 2005-08-05: No Lesson
- 2005-08-04: Adidas agrees to buy rival Reebok - easier | harder
- 2005-08-03: Russia bans America’s ABC TV news team - easier | harder
- 2005-08-02: No Lesson
- 2005-08-01: S. Korean wins Women’s British Open - easier | harder
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