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There is potentially good news for coffee lovers. Drinking three or more cups of coffee a day may people longer. This is according to a 16-year-long study from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Imperial College London. Researchers at health data on over half a million people over the age of 35 from 10 European countries. They that drinking more coffee is to a lower risk of death, particularly from heart diseases. This study that people who a daily minimum of three cups of coffee were 8-18% less likely to from health problems than non-coffee drinkers. Researchers coffee drinkers better liver function and a stronger immune system.

Not all experts with the research findings. Health experts that the health benefits of drinking coffee could because coffee drinkers may more money and therefore a healthier lifestyle. They also say that because drinking coffee can a social activity, coffee drinkers may more and this may increase wellbeing and help us live longer. They say the research does not that drinking coffee has concrete health benefits. Researchers also against drinking too much coffee. The upper level of safe caffeine intake is around 400 mg. More than this the risk of suffering from panic attacks, heart problems, and insomnia.

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