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There a saying in English that says a dog is a man's (and woman's) best friend. Dogs and humans have close and loving relationships for thousands of years. Scientists the bond between humans and dogs is deeper than we . The scientists that dogs cry tears of joy when they see their owners after a period of absence. The scientists a small-scale study on 22 dogs. They the behaviour of the dogs. In particular, they at how the dogs reacted when they were with their owners and with other people they had daily contact with. The scientists said that when the dogs saw their owners, they .

The researchers, from Azabu University and Jichi Medical University, strips of paper under the dogs' eyes. They then to see if, and when, the dogs cried. The scientists that when the humans and dogs were after five to seven hours of separation, the dogs shed tears. Researcher Takefumi Kikusui said: "We had never of the discovery that animals tears in joyful situations, such as reuniting with their owners." He added: "Their tears might play a role in the deepening of mutual relationships." He the tears may make humans their dogs more. He said: "It's possible that dogs who teary eyes during human interaction would cared for more."

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