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The world has a somewhat worrying demographic milestone. The U.S. Census Bureau said on Thursday that the population of our planet has 8 billion. A spokesperson said the bureau that the global population 8 billion on the 26th of September. However, he said this was a very rough guess and the precise day could a month or two either side of this date. The Bureau that the world population would to grow at a steady rate. It has from 6 billion to 8 billion in the past two decades. The number of Earth's inhabitants had between 1960 and 2000. The rate of growth is slowing as birth rates are in many nations.

The Census Bureau the slowdown in population growth to trends of longer lifespans and lower fertility rates. However, it that the population would 10.2 billion in 2060. It said: "The world population is to keep growing despite declining fertility rates. In fact, we the number of infants already in 2017. Instead, population growth in the future will from larger groups of people at adult ages." It added: "Population growth the result of fertility, mortality, migration and the share of the population at certain ages.…Nearly three quarters (74 per cent) of the earth's population in countries where fertility around or below the replacement level."

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