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know lower maintain reduce exercise have be explain pump boost
burn be work increase help slow preserve be cause live
Everybody that exercise is essential to keep us healthy. It the risk of heart disease, and helps us to a healthy weight. It also stress and makes us happier. Doctors say that in cold weather is even better for us. Going for a jog or even a swim when it's chilly or freezing outside extra benefits for our physical and mental health. The reason for this that the cold gives our heart a more energetic workout. Dr Angela Pepdjonovic, from the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, why. She said: "Your heart has to work a little bit harder to blood around your body in the cold. This can help to your endurance over time."

Dr Pepdjonovic said cold-weather workouts can help the body calories at a faster rate. She said: "As your body required to harder to maintain its core temperature, you actually your calorie burn by exercising in the cold." Physical activity in cold temperatures can boost our metabolism, which us lose weight. In the cold, our metabolism down, so we can fat and keep warm. Another benefit is that in natural light helps to reduce our stress. This is especially so for people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). This is a type of depression by the shorter, darker days of winter. It is more common in people who far from the equator.

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