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play create meet be lose lose pay rely subscribe choose
predict use pay change spend interview prefer be pay think
For nearly two decades, smartphones have a huge role in romance, love and dating. Dozens of apps have been to make it easier to a partner. However, dating app companies seem to in trouble. The world's two largest companies have more than $40 billion in market value since 2021. Workers for these companies are their jobs. The reason for this is that fewer young people are to use the apps. The app companies on subscriptions to make a profit. However, many teenagers and people in their twenties no longer want to to use dating apps. Instead, they are to use free platforms like Snapchat and TikTok to find romance.

In 2017, NBC News that by 2040, the percentage of couples meeting online would be 70 per cent. Today in the United States, 30 per cent of adults, and over half of adults under 30, dating apps. About a third of dating app users say they for them. However, times are . Younger people around the world have less money to on things like apps. The New York Times young people about dating apps. One 18-year-old student said she to meet people in person or through direct messages on social media. She said dating apps for "casual use, like a game". She added that none of her friends for them. She that paying for an app was a no-no.

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