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issue throw create dispose include report generate fill place wrap
come send lack minimize create poison enter fail blame dispose
The United Nations has a stark warning to consumers worldwide. The volume of electronics we are away is an "environmental catastrophe". We are of record amounts of "e-waste". The UN defines electronics as anything with a plug or a battery, and often contains toxic chemicals and substances, such as lead and mercury. E-waste discarded cellphones, refrigerators and e-cigarettes. The UN Global E-waste Monitor has that in 2022, the world a mind-blowing 62 million tons of e-waste. CNN said this waste could, " more than 1.5 million 40-ton trucks which, if bumper-to-bumper, could… around the Equator".

Most e-waste from developed countries. A lot of it is to poorer countries for recycling. However, these countries the technology and resources to dispose of it in a way that environmental damage. The sheer volume of waste is a plethora of health problems. Dumped electronics are rivers and seas. A disturbing 58 tons of mercury the environment last year. Some of this enters the food chain. The UN blamed manufacturers for showing "a lack of duty of care" by to accept responsibility for what happens to their products. It also consumers, saying, "it's just a few clicks" to buy electronics, but "it's far more difficult to of them".

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