Archive: October 2005
- 2005-10-31: Vodafone’s vending machine mobile phones - easier | harder
- 2005-10-30: No Lesson
- 2005-10-29: Nelson Mandela launches comic book - easier | harder
- 2005-10-28: No Lesson
- 2005-10-27: Japan close to allowing female emperor - easier | harder
- 2005-10-26: No Lesson
- 2005-10-25: Fleas have organ-saving antifreeze - easier | harder
- 2005-10-24: Zimbabwe to get new currency - easier | harder
- 2005-10-23: Brazil votes on gun ban - easier | harder
- 2005-10-22: Retire later to live longer - easier | harder
- 2005-10-21: Film company Kodak loses $1 billion - easier | harder
- 2005-10-20: David Beckham to defend marriage in court - easier | harder
- 2005-10-19: Corruption widespread in 70 countries - easier | harder
- 2005-10-18: No Lesson
- 2005-10-17: No Lesson
- 2005-10-16: A new prince for Denmark - easier | harder
- 2005-10-15: No Lesson
- 2005-10-14: No Lesson
- 2005-10-13: No Lesson
- 2005-10-12: Eating fish is good for the brain - easier | harder
- 2005-10-11: Fire destroys Wallace & Grommit history - easier | harder
- 2005-10-10: Survey shows Mt. Everest has shrunk - easier | harder
- 2005-10-09: No Lesson
- 2005-10-08: Bible translated for mobile phones - easier | harder
- 2005-10-07: $10 million for golf’s 15-year-old Wie - easier | harder
- 2005-10-06: Australians happiest people in the world - easier | harder
- 2005-10-05: US Army having recruiting problems - easier | harder
- 2005-10-04: No Lesson
- 2005-10-03: Crisis talks for Turkey to join EU - easier | harder
- 2005-10-02: No Lesson
- 2005-10-01: $100 laptop for world’s poor children - easier | harder
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