The job behind by for in into of on onto to with a lifetime is currently behind by for in into of on onto to with offer for those behind by for in into of on onto to with a sweet tooth. Cambridge University in the U.K. has just posted a position behind by for in into of on onto to with its careers website advertising behind by for in into of on onto to with a researcher of chocolate. Chocolate lovers behind by for in into of on onto to with a scientific mind will have the chance to apply behind by for in into of on onto to with a job as a researcher and study for a PhD. The successful candidate will investigate the properties that make chocolate melt. Their objective will be to stop chocolate melting behind by for in into of on onto to with warmer climes. The careers post states: "The project will investigate the factors which allow chocolate, which has a melting point close behind by for in into of on onto to with that behind by for in into of on onto to with the human body, to remain solid and retain qualities sought behind by for in into of on onto to with consumers when it is stored and sold behind by for in into of on onto to with warm climates." The position involves three-and-a-half years behind by for in into of on onto to with experimenting with how chocolate melts behind by for in into of on onto to with the mouth and in different temperatures. The university says applicants require good mathematical skills. There is a lot behind by for in into of on onto to with science behind by for in into of on onto to with the consistency and melting point behind by for in into of on onto to with chocolate. A variety of oils and fatty acids are used to control how hard or soft chocolate is when we bite behind by for in into of on onto to with it, and when it melts. Chocolatiers spend a lot behind by for in into of on onto to with money behind by for in into of on onto to with research and development to get the blend right so that the chocolate melts behind by for in into of on onto to with the mouth. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology says: "Melting is especially important because it controls how well the chocolate disperses and releases flavour behind by for in into of on onto to with your tongue."