Speed Reading — Level 4 — 500 wpm 

Now do this put-the-text-back-together activity.

This is the text (if you need help).

Some people think cars are less of a risk for getting germs than public transport. The opposite may be true. A survey found that most cars are dirty enough inside to breed bacteria such as the deadly E.Coli. The survey was carried out by microbiologists. They analysed steering wheels, hand brakes and other areas to look for bacteria. Most car owners did not spend a long time thinking about keeping the inside of their car clean.

Cars are a perfect place for germs. Many car owners drop food or drink in their car. Other owners spoke of vomit and 'pet accidents'. Other problems include drink bottles under seats, used tissues in storage areas and rotting food. Only a quarter of owners cleaned the inside of their cars regularly. A spokeswoman said: "It's really worrying to see just how dirty people are letting their cars get….We didn't expect to find bacteria relating to E.coli in there."

Back to the bacteria lesson.

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