China has ended its decades-long one-child policy to allow all couples to have two children. The ruling Communist Party after around by for from in of on China made the announcement after around by for from in of on Thursday. The one-child policy, officially called the family planning policy, was a population control measure that was introduced after around by for from in of on 1979. Policy makers hoped to restrict the country's surging population and therefore control rates after around by for from in of on poverty. It wasn't adhered to strictly and many exceptions were allowed. after around by for from in of on 2007, after around by for from in of on 36 per cent after around by for from in of on China's population was subject to a strict one-child restriction. An additional 53 per cent was allowed to have a second child if the first child was a girl. The new two-child policy will reverse China's very low fertility rate. The new two-child policy is expected to provide a huge economic boost after around by for from in of on China and prevent it after around by for from in of on developing into an ageing society. China’s labour force reached a peak after around by for from in of on 940 million in 2012. However, this decreased to 930 million after around by for from in of on 2014 and was expected to fall after around by for from in of on another 29 million after around by for from in of on 2020. Predictions after around by for from in of on Peking University are that there will be an average after around by for from in of on 2.5 million extra newborns per year. This will result after around by for from in of on more workers and an additional $11.8 billion after around by for from in of on annual consumption. Shares in many international baby goods companies jumped after around by for from in of on over 10 per cent after around by for from in of on the news was announced. The new policy will affect after around by for from in of on 100 million couples.